How To Scrape Followers Of Any Twitter User From Command Line PORTABLE
How To Scrape Followers Of Any Twitter User From Command Line ===>
How To Scrape Followers of Any Twitter User from Command Line
Twitter is a popular social media platform that allows users to follow each other and share their thoughts, opinions, and news. If you want to analyze the followers of any Twitter user, you might want to scrape their data and save it in a file for further processing. In this article, we will show you how to scrape followers of any Twitter user from command line using a simple Python script.
To follow along with this tutorial, you will need:
A Twitter account and an API key. You can get one from here.
Python 3 installed on your system. You can download it from here.
The tweepy library installed on your system. You can install it using pip: pip install tweepy
A text editor or an IDE of your choice.
Step 1: Create a Python file and import tweepy
Create a new Python file and name it Then, import the tweepy library at the top of the file:
import tweepy
Step 2: Authenticate with Twitter API
Next, you need to authenticate with the Twitter API using your credentials. You can find them in your developer dashboard. Replace the placeholders with your own values:
# Replace these values with your own API key
consumer_key = \"YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY\"
consumer_secret = \"YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET\"
access_token = \"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN\"
access_token_secret = \"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET\"
# Create an OAuth handler and set the access token
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret)
auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_token_secret)
# Create an API object and pass the auth handler
api = tweepy.API(auth)
Step 3: Define the target user and the output file
Now, you need to specify the target user whose followers you want to scrape. You can use their username or user ID. For example, we will use the username of @BarackObama. You also need to define the name of the output file where you want to save the scraped data. We will use followers.csv:
# Define the target user
target_user = \"@BarackObama\"
# Define the output file
output_file = \"followers.csv\"
Step 4: Write a function to scrape followers
The next step is to write a function that will take the target user and the output file as parameters and scrape their followers using the tweepy API. The function will use a cursor object to iterate over the followers of the target user and write their data to the output file in CSV format. The data will include their username, name, location, description, followers count, friends count, statuses count, and created at date. The function will also print the number of followers scraped so far:
# Write a function to scrape followers
def scrape_followers(target_user, output_file):
# Open the output file in write mode
with open(output_file, \"w\") as f:
# Write the header row
# Initialize a counter
count = 0
# Use a cursor object to iterate over the followers
for follower in tweepy.Cursor(api.followers, screen_name=target_user).items():
# Get the follower data
username = follower.screen_name
name =
location = follower.location
description = follower.description
followers_count = follower.followers_count
friends_count = follower.friends_count
statuses_count = follower.statuses_count
created_at = follower.created_at
# Write the follower data to the output file
# Increment the counter
count aa16f39245